The Chesed Cheshvan program at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe is off to a very strong start! Our talmidim have clearly internalized the message of bein adam l’chaveiro, and the intentionality and focus to pursue kindness is really shining through.
The hanhalah has asked the boys to look for opportunities to exhibit midos and to share specific stories to motivate and inspire those around them.
These special mitzvos should be a z’chus for klal Yisrael’s hatzlachah and as a r’fuah sh’leimah for the many cholim in need.
The Yeshiva also asked families to share the names of friends and relatives in Eretz Yisrael who need our t’filos. We want our talmidim to feel and appreciate how close to us these events really are, and to inspire more kavanah in our T’hilim and davening.
This program is presented in memory of Ben Menashe Mizrahi of the Yavneh Group, a very special young man who became a victim of the attack as he stayed behind to help tend to the wounded.