Colors: Blue Color

We are very fortunate at Margaret Tietz to have wonderful community volunteers, including families, seniors, and good friends of Margaret Tietz to share a Sunday morning to beautify the magnificent garden that has been created through their hands. Project ReBloom was created in memory of Faye Dor, a resident who passed away a few years ago. Her love of flowers and gardening inspired her friends to gather each fall and spring at Margaret Tietz to bring this beautiful Garden to our residents, visitors, and staff.

Chaverim of Queens celebrated its “bar mitzvah” this past Thursday at the Annual Queens Chaverim Appreciation Dinner. Now with over 100 active volunteers, Chaverim continues to be a vital source for non-medical emergency situations throughout literally all areas of Queens, as well as Great Neck.

On Wednesday, May 19, the eleventh grade of Shevach High School was privileged to visit a unique exhibit created by the students of the Bais Yaakov of Baltimore. Titled “Journeys Through the Generations,” the exhibit allowed visitors to learn about Jewish history throughout the ages through a creative tour that consisted of sophisticated museum-like displays featuring Jewish life in over 30 countries worldwide. The Shevach girls were excited to review their lessons in Jewish history in a fun way and to interact with the Baltimore students.