Colors: Blue Color

The people of this country are blessed. The unprecedented speed of development and deployment of the vaccine for COVID-19 has brought us to a place where with G-d’s continued help and blessing we can hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us.

What does simchah really mean, and what does it look like from the outside? Simchah is an inner joy, contentment, and peace of mind that is the direct result of spiritual growth, movement, and connection to Hashem. In other words, someone who is really alive in this world is the one who is truly b’simchah.

In the hours before Shavuos this past Sunday afternoon, May 16, Republican Mayoral Candidate Curtis Sliwa joined a contingent of the Queens County Republican Patriots at Queens Borough Hall in Kew Gardens to announce their 4-0 win in the Supreme Court of the State of New York Appellate Division: Second Judicial Department. The Queens County Republican Patriots is a New York State-registered multi-candidate committee dedicated to building a strong grassroots Republican Party organization for the 130,000 Queens Republicans.

Am Yisrael Chai, the Nation of Israel lives, and its destiny is our destiny.

The United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc. (UJA) alongside the Jewish Community Relations Council, New York chapter (JCRC-NY), and the Consulate General of Israel for New York held a community solidarity gathering on Wednesday, May 12, entitled, “New York Stands with Israel.” The program was designed to further engrain in our elected officials and the world media that the electorate of New York and its leadership unite with Israel during its time of peril.