Colors: Blue Color

On Monday evening, June 17, Yeshivas HaMasmidim held its end-of-year siyum celebration at the Agudath Israel of Kew Gardens Hills, in the Yeshiva of Central Queens. The celebration was for the boys in grades 3-6 who came every Monday night since Sukkos to do extra learning together in groups with rebbeim. Rabbi Chaim Dov Wahrman, Director of Yeshivas HaMasmidim, pointed out, “It is special to work with children who come after school to learn Torah.”

Lawrence resident Dr. Nadja Graff, vice president of the Touro College Division of Graduate Studies, recently received the Touro College Graduate of Social Work’s National Distinguished Leadership Award for Social Justice and Educational Advancement at the school’s annual Academic Recognition Ceremonies. The event was held at the 92nd Street Y for the Class of 2019 and their families and friends on June 4th.

One of the things I love about my shul, Congregation Etz Chaim of Kew Gardens Hills, is that it makes room for participation and involvement of women wherever halachically permitted. In recent years, women are demanding more and more opportunities in more and more areas of life. In the Jewish world, one of the demands is for more opportunities for Torah learning – and not just any Torah learning, but high-level and high-quality Torah learning, preferably text-based.