Colors: Blue Color

Students at HANC High School started the Lag BaOmer festivities with an amazing bonfire led by Rabbi Hulkower. Students gathered around the fire, said t’filos and sang beautiful z’miros in honor of the day. All participants found the event to be meaningful.

The first two weeks of May at Central are abuzz with end-of-year activity: Central’s hockey, softball, and soccer teams are wrapping up their seasons, academic clubs are making their final meetings, and The Central Courier is putting its final issue to bed. Most notably, the first two weeks of May are national AP Exams, the culmination of a year’s worth of hard work. This is an opportunity for students to reflect on their year.

“Color War Breakout!” When superstar Nissim Black said those three words via video to the Junior High School, cheers erupted in the lunchroom. After the teams eish (orange) and mayim (blue) and their respective leaders were announced, the activities began.

At Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion, they recognize that their rebbeim, moros, and teachers create the foundation for our children’s future success. The warmth, dedication, love, and creativity they bring to the classroom are cherished every single day.

When the students in Yeshiva Primary reach the milestone of bas mitzvah, the school celebrates with the girls. In keeping with the philosophy of the Dean of Yeshiva Primary, Rabbi Zalman Deutscher, of treating students as if they were your own children, this is a milestone for the teachers and principal to celebrate with the students.

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