Colors: Blue Color

Green was the dominant color in the halls of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls on Tuesday, April 25, in recognition of and solidarity with Israel and Yom HaZikaron. The observance of Israel’s Memorial Day at SKA was an inspiring way to acknowledge the contributions of the thousands of Israeli soldiers who gave their lives defending the State of Israel, and to mourn with the families of those who lost loved ones to terror.

Bnos Malka Academy hosted its 27th Annual Dinner this past week, recognizing three outstanding honorees: Rabbi Shlomo and Rebbetzin Ora Nisanov (Guests of Honor), Rabbi Tzachi and Mrs. Shira Diamond (Parents of the Year), and Morah Rena Greenberg (Educator of the Year). Each of the honorees is richly deserving, devoting themselves for many years to the school and the community.

On Sunday, MTA welcomed the incoming class of 2027 for their first day in yeshivah together. During their morning in MTA, the incoming talmidim had the opportunity to meet each other, formally, as future classmates. It was an exciting morning, and the yeshivah can’t wait to greet this incredible group for their first official day of yeshivah in the fall.


We choose to use our minds so bright,

To gaze inside our minds to write

Expressions of our souls’ delight.

We write all day and think all night.

Our words are soaring like a kite.

Our imaginations know no height.


Our pens scrawl across an empty page,

Our muses ignite our poetic sage.

The world and beyond is our stage.


Using rhymes and rhythms to express theme,

Expressive language to share dreams,

To tell you all of things that seem

To flow out of us just like a stream.


The students here at YSZ

Share with you originality.

Nothing short of creativity,

Our teachers’ lessons on poetry

Are always such a sight to see.

We celebrate amazingly

A month of inspiring poetry.

By Mrs. Bengayev, 5th Grade Teacher


Monday, April 24, was a special day at Shevach High School. The student body was privileged to hear from renowned speaker and rav, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro. After a meaningful introduction by Shevach Menaheles Mrs. Shulamith Insel, Rabbi Shapiro, in his inimitable way, addressed what so many of us are thinking about during these days of S’firah: our relationship with one another.

YSZ HS for Girls is proud to announce that three of their faculty members were accepted to and will be attending the prestigious Teacher Tech Institute @ the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the premier school for technology and innovation in the world. The Legacy Heritage Foundation will be funding the high school’s faculty for a week-long fellowship this summer, including Ms. Greenberg, Mrs. Wasser, and Mrs. Yachnes.