Colors: Blue Color

The students of the Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls observed Lag BaOmer in spectacular fashion as they gathered for bonfires and achdus on Monday evening, May 8. The homes of SKA Principal for Religious Studies Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky, Ninth Grade Level Advisor Mrs. Jaclyn Joszef, and the Goodstein and Mandel families were lit up with the warmth of the celebrations.

On Thursday, May 11, Bnos Malka Academy hosted the Michael and Irina Kimyagarov Math Tournament. Seventh and eighth grade girls from the Hebrew Academy of Long Beach and the Yeshiva of New Jersey, accompanied by their respective coaches, participated in both individual and team competitions with their counterparts from Bnos Malka.

Shevach High School is always at the forefront of providing experiences that broaden their students’ minds, while inspiring them to reach higher in their avodas Hashem. Tuned into the challenges of technology today, Shevach is committed to giving its talmidos the tools needed to withstand these challenges and the desire to do so. To that end, Shevach Menaheles Mrs. Shulamith Insel invited Mr. Ronnie Adjmi to address the school.

The seventh-grade girls of Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion visited Philadelphia to explore the birthplace of the United States. Touring Independence Hall, getting up close to the Liberty Bell, and walking the streets of colonial America, the girls learned to appreciate the origins of our great country.