Colors: Blue Color

As a sequel to this past Chodesh Iyar mesibah, the talmidim from grades one through four at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe waited with bated breath to find out who would be the recipient of the “mustache.” The grand prize mustache was won by Shlomo Musheyev, 2R. Obviously, a mustache alone would not suffice as an adequate prize until Mustache Monday was introduced. Shlomo paraded around the lunchroom disguised as a secret agent, surveying the students and handing out prizes to the best behaved and obedient benchers. Now that the boys witnessed how elaborate a mustache prize can be, they await to see what is in store for next month. Stay tuned.


For 31 years, Rabbi Yaakov Lonner, YCQ’s Executive Director, has gone above and beyond the call of duty. Despite the long hours and the many responsibilities that come with the job, Rabbi Lonner took time out of his busy schedule to teach the students of our Yeshiva. Every week, students who participated in the afterschool Mishmar program had the opportunity to hear words of Torah and wisdom from Rabbi Lonner.

Orot girls had a blast this Pesach! For those who are not familiar with Orot, it's the girls’ division of Ohr Natan, where weekly shiurim, workshops, and activities for girls ages 15 and up are held. In preparation for Pesach this year, Orot held a fascinating class featuring Rabbi Maksumov on the Amazing Secrets of the Ten Plagues. The following week, Orot organized a special workshop for the girls: Step By Step Seder, where they went through the Hagaddah and learned how to hold a proper Seder. They were even able to take notes and make annotations in the new Ohr Natan English-Hebrew Hagaddahs and notebooks they received as gifts. They then enjoyed divrei Torah by R' Natan Kaziev, followed by a fun time making and decorating their own pillows to be used during the Seder!

The Yeshiva of Central Queens celebrated Yom HaAtzmaut and commemorated Yom HaZikaron with a bevy of meaningful programming, speakers, and activities throughout the week.

The first taste of the jam-packed schedule began on Friday, April 21, when the Junior High School had the incredible opportunity to hear from Sivan Rahav-Meir, a renowned Israeli journalist and lecturer. She gave an inspiring talk, sharing her personal story, the beauty of Shabbos, and finding one’s purpose in life.