Definitions and a discussion of the halachot regarding ‘Bet Yosef’ meat

Deep and complex topics often suffer public confusion. The following article was put together to shed some light on an oft-misunderstood topic, and to spread Torah. The article was also prepared with the sincere hope that the Jewish community better know its component groups, because in the wake of understanding comes love, friendship, and respect.

I’ve worked with countless couples who find themselves fighting constantly and aren’t even sure why. They have the same life goals and ideals, they are both dedicated to their family, and both really want this marriage to work, but by the time they get to me they feel hopeless, ready to throw in the towel. Yet their differences aren’t that great, and things used to be good between them. They once had a solid marriage, and they recall fondly their time together as a young couple in love. Oddly enough, nothing significant changed. He didn’t start drinking. She didn’t start gambling. Nobody went off the derech. The only thing that happened was that they stopped investing in the relationship and they drifted apart.

After a long cold, snowy, and wet winter, we have a beautiful sunny day. Things are just perfect…the kids are at school, you took a “sick” day from work (cough, cough), your aishes chayil was kind enough to whip up a delicious lunch (pizza from my favorite store [you know you’re going pay for that comment!]), and not a cloud in the sky! Well, maybe a teeny tiny cloud…actually, a lot of teeny tiny clouds, and now they are coming together, and sort of turning dark! The wind is kicking up, and KABOOM, FLASH! So much for a warm and sunny day!  The rain is coming down in buckets, and you are pretty sure you see animals walking in pairs being led by an old man with a staff (what was in that mushroom pizza?!). You make a mad dash for the house and get in right before you are totally soaked. You dry off, and…why is there still water dripping on your head? What’s happening? Your wife looks up at the ceiling and sees what looks like a faucet draining into the living room! A closer look reveals that your reliable roof has sprung a leak. It doesn’t make sense. When you bought the house 20 years ago, the seller said the roof was just put up and right as rain!

Pharaoh chose the blue pill,

His choice should have been “red”;

Choosing to refuse

The G-d of the Hebrews

Lost his whole empire, instead.