Often times, people come to therapy struggling with a particular issue, be it anxiety, depression or relational problems. Starting treatment can bring a wonderful dose of optimism, helping clients feel that they’ve finally found the answer they were looking for. After a forever of suffering alone, they have someone to listen to them, take them seriously and allow them to truly heal. In a best-case scenario, the relevant problems are clarified, goals are set, and a plan of action is developed to work toward those goals. Despite the wide array of psychotherapeutic treatments available for various issues, the overall path is more or less the same.

Recap: Shoshana Rosa ran to find Penina to apologize for the way her friend Aviva acted. When she finds Penina’s house, she sees that it’s in a rundown condition. Penina doesn’t invite her in. She can hear yelling from inside. They go for a walk and then they go to visit Shoshana Rosa’s cousin Ilana who is a writer. Ilana shares that she’s working on a story based on a journal she found of her great- great-grandfather. She wants to ask their opinion about something and would love if they would read the journal. So they sit down to read it.

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