Colors: Cyan Color

When people buy new homes, they usually buy the latest gadgets and technologies to make them more efficient, environmentally-friendly, and convenient.  By 2050, those will include advanced robots, AI, 3D printing, augmented reality, and computer screens in every room.  These will change how we live and where we live.  And in many cases, these advances will not just be found in our house but built into them. 

Big business is fascinating because the people in charge wield enormous power, have fabulous wealth, and are privy to all kinds of secrets.  Prominent among them is George Soros.  Although widely known for many decades, in many ways he remains an enigma, shrouded in mystery and rumor.   

Where there’s smoke there must be fire, but nobody has to remind New Yorkers about that.  Our friends in Canada already have.

The weather on June 7 was quite pleasant for this time of year, but all those who went outside to enjoy it received a nasty jolt.  Heavy smoke from fires in Quebec were blown hundreds of miles to New York and other areas.