When you’re feeling blue – not sure what to do,
When your heart is racing, and you can’t stop pacing,
When you’re depressed all day – not sure what to say,
There’s just one place… that’ll put a smile on your face.
When you’re feeling stress – ’cause life’s a big mess,
When things don’t click – dude, you’re really sick,
When you can’t get to the phone – you are all alone,
Drop everything my friend… and go straight home.
It is obvious, you see – it’s clear to me –
That what’s true for you, is the same for every Jew.
’Cause you are not American, Canadian, Spanish, or Haitian,
You are part… of the Jewish NATION!
You’re a Jew, I say – that’s why you pray
To Hashem above – HE’S the one you love,
So don’t just stand there and act all frozen,
’Cause He picked YOU… man, you are CHOSEN!
It is time to leave – come home to Tel Aviv,
Jerusalem, Hashmonaim, Tz’fat or Sha’alvim,
Forty years in the sand – it took to come to this Land,
But today there’s no pain – just hop on a plane.
Times now are rough – so you gotta be tough,
You can stand strong – it won’t be long,
Hashem stopped the world – there’s a message for you,
Look outside my friend… it’s totally NEW!
Come home now – you all know how,
Just set a date – this is your fate,
NOW more than ever, we have to be together,
So, sister and brother – come home to father and mother.
There are no fears – we waited 2,000 years,
The world is on pause – maybe THIS is the cause?
Jew, you are a lion – you need to be in Zion,
So, stop reading this poem… and Yiddele, please come HOME!
Shmuel Sackett is a 100% product of Queens. He was born in Middle Village and moved to KGH shortly before his bar-mitzvah. He graduated from YCQ (1975) and YHSQ (1979). He was Havurat Yisrael’s first Youth Director (4 years) and started the first 2 NCSY chapters in Queens. Shmuel made aliyah in 1990 and co-founded Manhigut Yehudit, together with Moshe Feiglin. His website is www.JewishIsrael.org Sackett is married with 6 children and 4 grandchildren. He lives in Herziliya Pituach.