As a child, my mother started shopping for my Passover wardrobe immediately following Purim. The spree began with excursions to Williamsburg, Boro Park, Union Turnpike, including the beloved and defunct Alexander’s and Ohrbach’s. As a child, I actually despised dressing up, and every trip to the fitting room was a nightmare. I hated the poof, the twirl, and the bows as much as the ruffle ankle socks and patent leather shoes. However, it was an unwritten law that a brand-new wardrobe was a “must” for the Passover season!

This past week, a stolen Picasso was retrieved from the yacht of a Saudi prince. Its origins include the complicated history of stolen art by the Nazi regime. This newsworthy story is just one among many others this month surrounding the subject of confiscated art during World War II.

For close to a decade, I have advocated the importance of Israeli fashion to find its well deserved place in the global fashion arena. Working with fashion icons such as Motty Reif (creator of Tel Aviv Fashion Week), Aviad Arik Herman, Eyal Asouline, Matan Shaked, Maya Negri and Inbal Dror. Each one a brilliant example of viewing Israel through a creative lens. Allowing the world to translate Israel as a land of creativity as opposed to a land of political extremities. 

Eyes are known to be the windows of the soul, and usually the first noticeable feature on a person’s face. Big eyes can make your face look brighter, more awake, and detract from your facial flaws. The following simple tips can help you achieve that look.

It’s cold outside, and time to pull out the cozy knits, gather around the fireplace, or up the thermostat on those chilly evenings when the temperature plunges. For those with eczema, winter ushers in a season of drier and more sensitive skin.  Lower humidity coupled with chilling winds and indoor heating systems can wreak havoc on your skin by diminishing its moisture levels. The following tips can help calm your skin during the winter woes.