The mitzvah of sh’mitta is only for Jewish farmers” is an oft repeated, but untrue misconception. With the upcoming sh’mitta year, Zo Artzeinu is on a mission to give everyone the opportunity to take part in this rare mitzvah. The Torah blesses all who observe sh’mitta with bountifulness, and no longer does this apply only to Israeli farmers.

Recap: Yehudis shares with her friend Tema her unhappiness about her new living situation and also the fact that she learned that she’s adopted.  She asks Tema if she can come board at her house.  Tema says of course, but it may not always be a good solution to run away from one’s troubles.  She decides to read more of the journal to distract herself.

 It’s intimidating to consider the responsibility of parenting. We know how our parents’ behaviors impacted our lives, but resist the reality that we are now bestowed with the same great power of influence. We therefore must educate ourselves to be best equipped to tackle life’s parenting struggles as they arise.

Recap: Yehudis discovers another unsettling fact. Her father is dating a librarian from the Marietta research library, and she is coming for dinner to their house. While she is at the library, a strange man comes demanding to borrow the journal that Yehudis is reading. He takes a threatening stance.

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