The Grade Four Girls’ Melaveh Malkah held at the Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) on Motza’ei Shabbos, January 8, was a marvelous event! The girls were accompanied by their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, and sisters, to enjoy a night full of creative projects, beautiful performances, a meaningful shiur presented by guest speaker Mrs. Amit Yaghoubi, and a delicious dairy dinner.
Melaveh Malkah (Escorting the Queen) is the name of a meal that, as per halachah, is customarily held by Jews after Shabbos, on Saturday evening. The intent of the meal is to figuratively escort the “Shabbos Queen” on her way out via musical performances, singing, and eating, as one would escort a monarch upon departure from a city. This meal is alternatively called “the fourth meal.”
Reported Mrs. Melissa Cohen, Elementary School Assistant Principal of General Studies at YCQ, “We wanted to create an opportunity for the girls to spend quality time with their mothers or special family members in a fun and spiritually uplifting atmosphere. It was a time for students to bond with each other, their families, and their teachers, while enjoying delicious food, creating a beautiful art project together, and listening to words of inspiration and chizuk. We also wanted to give the girls a chance to shine, which they certainly did, as they gave beautiful musical performances up on stage. We were all so proud of our incredible students, and most importantly, they were extremely proud of themselves. It was an evening that was truly enjoyed by all.”
“The goal of the event was to create a warm and beautiful Motza’ei Shabbos atmosphere, where the Grade Four girls could engage in a meaningful lesson about emunah, spirituality, and connection with Hashem,” stated Rabbi Michael Ribalt, Elementary School Assistant Principal of Judaic Studies at YCQ.
Thank you to all the members of our YCQ community who attended, and to the very special organizers of the event, Rabbi Ribalt, Mrs. Cohen, Mrs. Shirley Pourad, Morah Silverstein, and Morah Friedman, for an unforgettable evening.