Colors: Blue Color

Excitement and anticipation were in the air at the Bais Yaakov Academy of Queens as students in grades 1-4 and grades 5-8 participated in separate assemblies where the midos theme of the year and Y’mei Ratzon Program were introduced. Mrs. Nechama Jurkowitz, limudei kodesh principal, explained that the theme for the year Tav Shin Pei (5780) is related to peh – mouth. The pasuk we are focusing on is very familiar to everyone and recited in Eishes Chayil – “Piha Paschah B’Chochmah” – It “pays” to weigh your words wisely. Our motto is Say it right! This year, our adorable mascot owl, named BINAH, will be encouraging the girls to think before they speak and choose their words wisely. Mrs. Jurkowitz explained that babies are not born with the ability to speak, as they are with other senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch. This is because speech must be preceded with thought; and until young babies develop their thinking skills, they are not capable of speaking. What sets humans apart from animals is their ability to think and speak – dei’ah v’dibur. Using a large speech bubble, Mrs. Jurkowitz role-played with the students the thoughtful and appropriate response to a common school situation.

After an amazing experience for Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe students and the Queens community at large last year, the new batch of 7th graders in Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe were introduced to the special Names Not Numbers Project. The project was conceived by Mrs. Tova Fish Rosenberg as a unique Holocaust memorial project, where all participating students have the unique opportunity to research, interview, film, and produce a professional documentary about a survivor’s experience that will be archived for future generations in the Holocaust Museum. Rabbi Yaakov May, Menahel of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe, opened the program by speaking about “how every survivor has a story and every survivor has a miracle.”

The HANC High School Class of 2023 was inaugurated into High School at the annual Freshman Retreat this past Sunday and Monday, September 9 and 10, at Camp Kaylie in Wurtsboro, New York. The students participated in two days of amazing activities, entertainment, and “just getting to know one another.” The trip was chaperoned by administrators, m’chanchim, and members of HANC’s Student Life Team.

On Monday, September 9, MTA Freshmen had the privilege of meeting with Yeshiva University Rosh Yeshiva Rav Hershel Schachter, who visited the Freshman shiurim to welcome the new talmidim to the MTA community. In addition to sharing inspirational divrei Torah with the boys, Rav Schachter also shared his own experience as an MTA talmid.


On Thursday, September 12, the entire MTA Freshman Grade enjoyed an exciting day of hiking. Talmidim spent time bonding with each other and their rebbeim on the hiking trails, where they pushed themselves outside their comfort zones in team-building activities and had the opportunity to make new friends. After a quick detour to 7-Eleven for post-hike Slurpees, the day concluded with intense sports games and a barbecue dinner.