Colors: Blue Color

The Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ) is proud to announce that four YCQ Grade 7 students (Elianah Aminova, Emily Akbashev, Menashe Basaley, and Michael Zevulun) have been selected to participate in The Tikvah Fund’s Truman Scholar Program. Eight YCQ Grade 8 students (Chani Orenbuch, Rebecca Sisser, Sarah Leah Sullivan, Sophia Fellner-Dublin, Becky Feygin, Eliyahu Yunaev, Julian Schneider, and Max Olsen) are continuing their online Truman Scholar Program studies, now in their second year.

At Central, we are committed to our students’ health and well-being in all ways. Last week, we had programs highlighting important issues affecting many people of all communities and backgrounds. On Tuesday, sophomores and juniors had the opportunity to participate in a program with the organization “Communities Confronting Substance Use & Addiction” (CCSA) to learn about the important topic of substance abuse.