Colors: Blue Color

The Bnos Malka Middle School was privileged to hear from Rabbi Paysach Krohn on Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Acknowledging the pain of Meron and the current ceaseless attacks from Hamas, we pray that this month of Sivan be a time of the end of suffering and filled with miracles.

The students at IVDU LI enjoyed a wonderful trip to Spring Gymnastics on Thursday in celebration of Lag BaOmer. Mrs. Fordsham guided the students in warm-up exercises and taught them how to use all of the equipment. She then set up stations for the students to take turns using all of the gymnastics equipment.

The MTA Mountain Lions outdoors club enjoyed a 25-mile bike tour of the Lower Hudson River on Friday, May 7. The tour began on the George Washington Bridge and headed to Battery Park on Manhattan’s West Side. The group crossed over to New Jersey via ferry, where club members biked along the New Jersey waterfront back to their starting point in Fort Lee Historical Park.

In honor of spring, HAFTR Early Childhood has recently had some special guests in the classrooms. These guests began as caterpillars. The classes nurtured and fed their new friends, and waited excitedly as they witnessed their METAMORPHOSIS into butterflies. The new butterflies flew around their butterfly habitat, waiting to be released.

Each week, the boys learn three new “yediyot” and have a chance to win prizes. Last week’s raffle winners were Azaryah Gurzhiev (fifth grade) and Yaakov Yunayev (fourth grade). Plus, every boy who memorized all three yediyot received $100 in “YSZ CA$H” towards the upcoming Yediyot Chinese Auction!