Colors: Blue Color

 Last Tuesday afternoon, US Rep. Grace Meng took time from her busy schedule to see firsthand the amazing work of the partnership between the Chazaq Organization and Met Council on Jewish Poverty at the Lev Aharon Community Food Pantry in Kew Gardens Hills. Meng was joined by her friend and ally Linda Lee, the Democratic Nominee in the race for City Council in District 23 to replace CM Barry Grodenchik.

The story of Israeli soldier Lieutenant Hadar Goldin a”h seems to be a never-ending tale. It seems commonsense that a soldier going out to battle can rest assured that if the worst occurs, his remains will be returned to his loved ones. In 2014, during Operation Protective Edge, Goldin and Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul vanished, soon to be revealed as casualties. The years have passed ever so slowly for both of these families as they await the return of their sons to bring about a sense of closure. The families have called upon the Israeli government and their American allies to facilitate this basic right. One would assume that the hundreds of millions of dollars, $235 million precisely, that the US has pledged to rebuild Gaza, can amount to the return of these soldiers, at a bare minimum.

The untimely passing of Gavriel Simcha Daitchman, 32, left the greater Jewish community of New York in shock this past Sunday evening. Gavriel, who grew up in Kew Gardens Hills, happily lived with his wife Rivka, nee Warman, and their bubbly daughter Molly in the vibrant community of North Woodmere. Together, they built a house of Torah filled with all the joys and excitement befitting a budding family.

In response to an increase in antisemitic acts, particularly those in the City of New York, the NYPD Shomrim Society has developed the “Safe Shabbat” program. On Friday, July 16, at 6:30 p.m., just ahead of Friday evening services, members of the NYPD Shomrim Society joined with Rabbi and Rebbetzin Zakutinsky’s Hashevaynu on 72nd Drive in Kew Gardens Hills for the inaugural installation of their Safe Shabbat initiative, where representatives spoke on the importance of safety in our communities, denouncing anti-Semitism, and the importance of working together as a community to fight hate at all levels.