Colors: Blue Color

The Orthodox Union (OU), the nation’s oldest and largest umbrella organization for the North American Orthodox Jewish community, said that its 20th annual Tish’ah B’Av program on Sunday, July 18, will not only focus on the traditional themes surrounding the destruction of both Temples and other historical tragedies, but this year will also mourn the recent worldwide tragedies that have impacted the Jewish community.

Rav Shimshon Pincus z”l used to teach that the biggest miracle that there is in this world is a person’s ability to change – to break his negative habits and character traits and return to Hashem and his true self. This miracle is greater than the Splitting of the Sea, greater than the manna that our forefathers ate in the desert, and greater than all the other miracles that have been and will be. The strength, determination, and clarity that a person needs to break his evil inclination has a Divine Source, as it says, “The [evil] inclination of a person gathers strength every day, and desires to kill him…and if not for the fact that G-d helps him, he would not be able to overcome it.”