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For the dozens remaining who actually pay attention to The New York Times, there was a particular trend in stories that they were going for: the problems in the chasidic community in New York. The Times has more to say about one small community’s student population than they do the entirety of the public school system, which supposedly educates tens of millions. One organization seeks to shed light on the disparate attacks on Jewish schools.

When we recited Al HaNisim on Chanukah, we recalled the Hellenists who sought to use their power to make us forget the Torah and abandon our adherence to its laws. While no one is passing laws banning the practice of Judaism, those who seek to undermine our Torah institutions and our community are hard at work.

Twitter has released more internal documents from before Elon Musk took over the company. The revelations in this document dump have serious implications on the role of social media, government censorship, and public trust in the dissemination of information.

For the past few weeks, journalists have had access to Twitter’s internal files. These files shed light on how the social media company worked with the government and within their own political biases to craft narratives and shift the social landscape to their own favor.  Hundreds of millions of people use Twitter directly per month, but that is not where this problem ends.  Twitter has become so ubiquitous that it shapes cable, network, and online media coverage.  Donald Trump’s presidency and his subsequent downfall could be attributed to Twitter.  

The New York Young Republican Club, the nation’s oldest Young Republican club, celebrated its 110th annual Gala on Saturday night with a black-tie event.  The Gala, which the club boasts has run without interruption during both World Wars and the Covid lockdowns, featured a large number of prominent local and national Republican figures. As with many Republican events, especially in deep-blue New York, the accusations of sympathizing with neo-Nazis and bigots flew early and often - yet that is only one side of the event the media is willing to tell.