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Truth and the Leftwing agenda rarely have much interaction.  This is why when leftist activists are confronted by the truth, they are so shocked and appalled that they must resort to childish name-calling in order to convince the masses that they are on the righteous side, not necessarily the side that exists in reality.  So when it does happen that a Leftist says something true, it should be noted.

As forecast over the past few weeks, Former South Carolina Governor and UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has officially declared her candidacy for the Republican nomination to become President of the United States. This makes Haley the second candidate after former President Trump himself announced his candidacy late last year. While much speculation has occurred about the upcoming GOP battle, this is the first shot fired to try to take down the Trump juggernaut.

How do we want our children to remember us 20 years from now?

No doubt we’d like them to remember our home as one of warmth, kindness, and hospitality, where the welcome mat was always out, and guests were a regular part of our lives. We’d also like them to remember clearly that their safety and health were paramount to us, and that we were vigilant and uncompromising in identifying and protecting them from the dangers of a changing world.

Governor Kathy Hochul released her budget proposal, and it is chock-full of policy proposals and expenditures that should have all New Yorkers taking to the streets in protest. Hochul’s view of New York is going to exacerbate the flight from the state, as well as put her in league with Gavin Newsom as the worst governor in America.

The suburbs are known for their greenery; open lawns uniformly face the streets - and it is by design, as strict codes ensure that alterations to this status quo pass the approval of homeowner associations, village trustees, or town boards. Last week in Port Washington, one family learned that good fences do not make good neighbors.