With so many moisturizing options available, where do you begin? An abundance of ads bombards us on a constant basis, and numerous creams and lotions seem to flood the marketplace. It can seem challenging to figure out which products to use. The following questions and answers will help clarify a few things.
- Can I apply a daytime cream before bedtime, or must I use a night-cream?
- For simple moisturizing, the same product will suffice. If your daytime formula contains sunscreen, it’s not advisable to use the same moisturizer in the evening. Firstly, it’s unnecessary; plus chemical sunscreens can be irritating, especially when combined with certain treatment ingredients.
- Do I need a separate eye moisturizer, or can I use one product on my entire face?
- The role of a moisturizer is to hydrate. If you want some extra help, such as targeting crow’s feet, reducing puffiness, and minimizing dark circles, you’ll benefit from a product designated strictly for the eyes. Also, the skin around the eye is thinner than elsewhere, and therefore more sensitive. To avoid irritation, eye creams tend to have lower concentrations of active ingredients. They may also contain caffeine to help eliminatepuffiness and Vitamin K to reduce dark circles. These ingredients are not usually found in regular moisturizers. Many eye creams also contain light diffusing properties and silicone derivatives to minimize dark circles.
- Are botanical ingredients gentler than synthetics? Which is best for sensitive skin?
- Most people think natural ingredients are better than synthetics, but poison ivy is also a natural ingredient. For those with sensitive skin, avoid irritating botanicals like pure essential oils, tea tree oil, and birch bark. Look for soothing extracts such as aloe, chamomile, calendula, and linden.
- At What age should I start moisturizing my face?
- It’s not necessarily a matter of age, but depends on your skin type. Of course, the older you get, usually the drier your skin. However, there are those in their twenties who have dry skin, which is usually a function of genetics. Dry skin is primarily characterized by small pores and a matte or dull finish with no superficial oil or shine and very little moisture in the skin. Skin that feels tight, and becomes rough and flakey or cracks, will certainly benefit from a quality moisturizer. If your skin is sometimes dry and other times more oily (combination skin), you may benefit from a lighter (oil-free) formula, which will help maintain the proper moisture level without making the skin feel greasy.
Moisturizers are not a one size fits all. The right product should help alleviate the dryness and address your personal skin issues.
Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, photo shoots and any of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.