Looking good in a video is a bit trickier than looking good in person. When you see yourself on film, you may be quite surprised at what you find.
.Perfect Your Skin
Skin imperfections and dark circles are always magnified by the camera. Therefore, wearing an opaque foundation and good concealer to cover all flaws is a must. Also, make sure your foundation is an exact match to your complexion because there should be no contrast between your face and neck. When you see someone on a professional video, you never think, “Wow, she’s wearing a lot of foundation,” because it’s usually seamless coverage. Finish off with translucent powder to prevent shine, which is magnified on film and will enlarge your features or showcase your flaws.
Brighten Up
Play up your eyes and lashes for the camera to define them. Keep your blush soft, pretty, and realistic and use a moist lipstick or glossy formula – nothing matte.
Hair Style
This is the time you need a good hairstylist, especially if you have curly hair, which can look unkempt on screen. It’s best to wear your hair down and avoid ponytails or buns, which can tend to look severe. Also, be sure to check for flyaway hairs, which are really noticeable on video. Another thing to avoid is a shellacked look with too much hair spray. Unlike blondes or light-to-medium brunettes, women with dark hair or black hair need some tousling to keep it from looking like helmet hair.
Stay away from white (unless, of course, you’re the bride) because it’s harsh and unflattering on video. Black is another color to avoid, since it turns you into a dark, shapeless mass. Bright colors and especially blue looks great on camera. If you ever pay attention to newscasters, you will note that they mainly wear vibrant and flattering colors. In general, heavier textures look excellent onscreen. Skip satin (too shiny) and light silks that will sag or shift if you have a microphone pinned to your clothes. Whatever you wear, make sure the fit is good and that the outfit is not baggy.
As soon as the camera is turned on, straighten up. Although it may feel stiff, it will look great. If you’re sitting, cross your legs and lift the top foot an inch, pointing the toes of that leg. This may be tiring, but it will lengthen your legs. When standing, clasp your hands in front of your stomach. It breaks up the line of your outfit, camouflages any unwanted pouches, and gives you something to do with your hands. Last but not least, put down your fork when the camera light goes on, since nobody looks great eating on video.
You don’t have to be an actress, newscaster, or professional model to look good on film. Knowing a few tricks of the trade can help enhance your video and allow you to enjoy watching the film without being overly critical of your appearance.
Risselle Naimark is a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist and Skincare Consultant. She carries an extensive line of personalized skincare, cosmetics, and anti-aging products. Risselle is also available for weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, makeup lessons, and all of your beauty needs. She can be reached at 718 263-5517.