On Shabbos, October 25, Parshas B’reishis, the Yeshiva of Central Queens JHS boys went to the Raleigh Hotel in upstate New York for their annual Shabbaton. All the boys participated in pre-Shabbos ruach, led by the Schnitzel Guys, which included singing and dancing. After the conclusion of pre-Shabbos ruach, the boys davened Minchah and Maariv, followed by a wonderful learning session that the kids had with their rebbeim.
During Shabbos dinner, the boys had a great time eating and having conversation while also bonding with their chaperones. Some students delivered divrei Torah after the meal. Then all the boys bentched and got awesome prizes.
The next morning, the boys had a spiritual and meaningful davening followed by a wonderful kiddush. After another learning session, the boys, their rebbeim, and their chaperones shared the Shabbos meal. After the Shabbos s’udah, the boys competed in games like Torah Sports Trivia, Guess the Teacher’s Baby Picture, and Bagels-to-Bagels. On Motza’ei Shabbos, everyone packed up, loaded the buses, and headed to Sports Time USA to play games, ride rides, and win prizes. The Shabbaton gave the boys an opportunity to share Shabbos together.
By Ben Kochman, grade 7