Colors: Blue Color

Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion has launched Parnas HaYom for the 2023/5783 school year! The yeshivah kickstarted the initiative with a beautiful yahrzeit breakfast sponsored by the Samekhov and Borochov households. Family members joined the sixth through eighth grade boys in a delightful breakfast that included divrei Torah from Rabbi Ben Mordechai, menahel, and Yaakov Tzion Rubinov, a YSZ eighth grade talmid. It was a true kiddush Hashem and an inspiration for the boys and guests.

For some, New Year's Day is just another day off from work, but for the fathers of Yeshiva Tiferet Tzion (YTT), it is a day to spend precious time with their sons in yeshivah! On Sunday, January 1, the fathers of YTT talmidim arrived shortly after 10 a.m. to a warm welcome from the hanhalas hayeshivah. As their fathers enjoyed light refreshments, the YTT bochurim made their way to the beit hamedrash, g'morahs, notes, and learning packets in hand. Within minutes, the kol Torah of fathers and sons learning g'morah, Rashi, Tosfot, and other mefarshim permeated the walls of the spacious beit hamedrash. It was truly a sight to behold. Rabbi Moshe Lehmann, ninth-grade rebbe, delivered a shiur and recap of the learning. This was followed by words of chizuk from HaRav Ilan Meirov, the guest speaker.

Fostering a love of reading begins at a young age, and what better way to accomplish this than by listening to stories being read. Third grade students at the Bnos Malka Academy are part of a reading program where, once a month, they visit the preschool students and read stories to them.

This year’s Annual Dinner of Tribute, scheduled for Wednesday, January 11, will have great significance – in part, the event will mark Central’s 75th anniversary, which has been recognized with events and celebrations throughout the year. It’s a chance for students, parents, faculty, and other members of the Central family to celebrate and reflect on both Central’s incredible past and its exciting future.

The boys in Ms. Friedman's second grade class at Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe had an amazing opportunity to review their math skills with math centers! The boys were able to rotate around the room into four different centers to practice their knowledge thus far. The centers ranged from an addition card game, special addition checker boards, subtraction fact fluency, and finally, a math lesson one-on-one with Ms. Friedman herself. These activities enabled each boy to go at his own pace, and see their great intelligence. "It was so nice to walk into the classroom and see a lot of movement, learning, and smiles," shared Ms. Friedman. "Baruch Hashem, the boys continue to impress me, and I look forward to seeing these math skills in practice!"