Colors: Blue Color

Morah Frumit Fruchtzweig has brought in a new reading program, Reading Done Right, to IVDU LI this year. This program promotes phonemic awareness, breaking words into syllables, rhyming, and focusing on identifying initial and final sounds. These skills are all the necessary pre-reading skills that children need before they can successfully learn how to read. Students who have not been able to master these skills with other programs have been very successful.

YSZ High School for Girls celebrated Rosh Chodesh Shvat with a tree painting workshop at a local art studio. It was a wonderful, relaxing activity that helped the girls focus and connect as they geared up for an intense two weeks of finals. “We have a very rigorous academic program. We truly want our girls to stretch their limits.  At the same time, it’s important for us to create a well balanced, inspiring and warm program. Everything we do is designed to prepare our girls for the future,” remarked Mrs. Zerykier, the Menahelet.

College acceptance letters are starting to come in and MTA is excited to celebrate some exciting news! Twelve Seniors were accepted (early decision) to the Jay and Jeanie Schottenstein Honors Program at Yeshiva University, with a total of $1.2 million in scholarships!

YSZ is ready to greet the Shabbat Queen! What a special and moving assembly we had in honor of Rosh Chodesh Sh’vat! The program started with a skit by our G.O. girls on the topic of Hadlakas Neiros. Morah Kitiza Pahlaef explained the unique significance of Jewish women lighting Shabbos candles; it is an eis ratzon (auspicious time) for each of us to daven for any requests we may have and to connect to Hashem. At that time, the Sh’chinah of Hashem enters our very homes!