Colors: Blue Color

Presenting Jewish students with their first siddurim is a momentous occasion, filled with anticipation, celebration, and ceremony. At the Yeshiva of Central Queens (YCQ), siddurim are presented as gifts to Grade 1 students with much fanfare. On January 9 and 16, Grade 1 classes performed songs and skits for their families, rebbeim, and moros. Rabbi Mark Landsman, YCQ Principal, led each class in davening from their own personalized siddurim. Rabbi Landsman and Rabbi Michael Ribalt (Elementary School Assistant Principal of Judaic Studies) took pictures with each student to mark the special occasion.

Like all high schools, Ezra Academy just finished their rigorous midterms. With understanding the intensity of this time period, the school decided to help the students prepare a little differently. To create a calmer, less stressed midterm atmosphere, the school hosted a m’laveh malkah for the students.

The students of IVDU LI have been privileged to host a weekly karate class with Master Eli Chaikin of Pakua Long Island for the past year and a half. Master Eli has been teaching the students not only how to punch and kick, but about the need for self-discipline, in order to achieve greater goals both in karate and in their day-to-day lives.